Manager Spike Sojka Robinwood Post Game Champ Interview Manager Spike Sojka did a masterful job of coaching his Robinwood All Star Team to a California Little League All Star Sate Championship. AIM Sports TV and our Kids In Motion channel captured Robinwood down the stretch and Paul J. Higgins interviews Coach Sojka after the game. Enjoy and help support our Kids in Motion coverage by advertising your business. Contact us at thumbnail text
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Manager Spike Sojka Robinwood Post Game Champ Interview

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Manager Spike Sojka did a masterful job of coaching his Robinwood All Star Team to a California Little League All Star Sate Championship. AIM Sports TV and our Kids In Motion channel captured Robinwood down the stretch and Paul J. Higgins interviews Coach Sojka after the game. Enjoy and help support our Kids in Motion coverage by advertising your business. Contact us at